Tiddington Ward

Kate Rolfe

Liberal Democrat for Tiddington since 2015

01789 550624

07855 197138


Councillor Kate Rolfe was born and brought up in London and moved to the Midlands in 1976 to further her career in the BBC. 

She is married to Mike and they have three children. The family have lived in Stratford-upon-Avon for over 17 years and, prior to that, in Henley-in-Arden for 18 years.

Councillor Rolfe has been voted as Mayor for 2023-2024.


The Mayor is Ex-officio for all Committees except, Personnel.

Career History

Kate worked at the BBC on a wide variety of radio and television programmes. In the mid 70’s she moved into TV Drama at Pebble Mill where she worked as a Production Assistant for several years. Having left the BBC to start a family, she worked as an estate agent in Henley and subsequently in Stratford, whilst her children were growing up. Kate then set up her own company in Stratford – a business designed to help older people live an independent life.

Community Interests

She was first elected as a District Councillor in 2008 and a County Councillor in 2009 and continues to represent residents on both councils as well as being  elected onto the Town Council in 2015 and returned in 2019.   On 17 May, 2019 Kate was made Mayor of Stratford-upon-Avon.  Kate remains very keen on the wellbeing of older people and represents the County on the Adult and Health overview and scrutiny board. Well aware of the dangers of social isolation amongst the elderly, she set up ‘tea and chat’ sessions for older people, supported by Waitrose and the Rosebird Community Hall.

Kate represents the County on the Stratforward BID board and sits on the Local Transport group and the Historic Spine group. She is also a trustee board member of CAB and a long serving Governor of Alveston Primary School.

Leisure Activities

Her leisure interests include going to the theatre and cinema and supporting local businesses by eating out in the pubs and restaurants in the town.