The Mayor
Civic History
The civic history of the Stratford upon Avon Town Council in chronological order.
Please click on the century below to view

- MAYORS: 21st Century
- MAYORS: 20th Century
- MAYORS: 19th Century
- MAYORS: 18th Century
- MAYORS: 17th Century
- BALIFFS: 16th/17th Century
2024 -
Jason Robert Fojtik
2023 - 2024
Catherine Lisbeth Rolfe
2022 - 2023
Gillian Hazel Cleeve
2021 - 2022
Kevin John Taylor
2020 - 2021
Anthony Jackson
2019 - 2020
Catherine Lisbeth Rolfe
2018 - 2019
John Philip Bicknell
2017 - 2018
Victoria Emma Alcock
2016 - 2017
Juliet Dorothy Short
2015 - 2016
Teresa Mary Bates
2014 - 2015
Ian Frank Fradgley
2013 - 2014
Diane Elaine Walden
2012 - 2013
Edward Keith Lloyd
2011 - 2012
William John Dowling
2010 - 2011
Shelagh Anne Sandle
2009 - 2010
Jennifer Elizabeth Mary Fradgley
2008 - 2009
Joyce Mary Taylor
2007 - 2008
Donna Christobel Barker
2006 - 2007
Roy Frederick Lodge MBE
2005 - 2006
William Arthur Lowe
2004 - 2005
Michael Raymond Crutchley
2003 - 2004
Clive Thomas
2002 - 2003
Vincent Graham Seaman
2001 - 2002
Sheila Alice Edith Price
2000 - 2001
Juliet Dorothy Short
1999 - 2000
Angela Colbeck
1989 - 1999
Maureen Lesley Beckett
1997 - 1998
Cyril Alphonsus Bennis
1996 - 1997
Charles Henry Bates
1995 - 1996
Joan Ailsa Florence McFarlane
1994 - 1995
Stephen John Turner
1993 - 1994
Fred Earnshaw
1992 - 1993
Alfred William Michael Love
1991 - 1992
Kenneth Charles Kennett
1990 - 1991
Edward Ernest Riley
1989 - 1990
Edward Joseph Lloyd
1988 - 1989
Geoffrey Lees
1987 - 1988
Charles Henry Bates
1985- 1986
Victor Joseph Henry Sandel
1984 - 1985
John Robert Curnock
1983 - 1984
Percy Walter Wheeler
1982 - 1983
Guy Berrett Pilbeam
1981 - 1982
Horace Sedgwick
1980 - 1981
George Kenneth Boyden
1979 - 1980
John Carl Duckett
1978 - 1979
Geoffrey Lees
1977 - 1978
Leslie Vernon Rouch
1976 - 1977
Sarah Ann Wheeler
1975 - 1976
John Robert Curnock
1974 - 1975
Trevor James Cleaver
1973 - 1974
Eric Paul Rudd
1972 - 1973
Henry Francis Yates
1971 - 1972
Paul Barling Pomroy Sainsbury
1970 - 1971
Muriel Mary Pogmore
1969 - 1970
Peter Malcolm Ray
1968 - 1969
David Robert Bruce
1967 - 1968
Philip Whitehead Walker
1966 - 1967
Patrick Miall Dare
1965 - 1966
Geoffrey Derek Inns
1964 - 1965
Percy Walter Wheeler
1963 - 1964
Cyril George Kemp
1962 - 1963
Walter Harry Huxley
1961 - 1962
Stanley Charles Rosser
1960 - 1961
Leigh Dingley
1959 - 1960
Frederick William Parrott
1958 - 1959
Hubert William Guyver
1957 - 1958
Percy Robert Worth
1956 - 1957
Eleanore Florys Waldron
1955 - 1956
Dudley Ernest Woodman
1954 - 1955
Alan Foster Brownlow
1953 - 1954
Muriel Gwendoline
Mary Phillips
1952 - 1953
Ralph Augustus Lane
1951 - 1952
Robert John Knight
1950 - 1951
Trevor Matthews
1949 - 1950
Bertram Shenton Cooper
1947 - 1949
Fordham Flower
1946 - 1947
Eric Baildham
1945 - 1944
Harold Victor White
1944 - 1945
John Roderick Horton Baker
1943 - 1944
John Roderick Horton Baker
1941 - 1942
John Herbert Knight
1939 - 1940
Thomas Noden Waldron
1938 - 1939
Thomas Noden Waldron
1937 - 1938
Thomas Noden Waldron
1936 - 1937
Ernest Percy Ray
1935 - 1936
George Albert Lea
1934 - 1935
George Albert Lea
1933 - 1934
Joseph Hunter Rowe
1932 - 1933
Joseph Hunter Rowe
1931 - 1932
Sir Archibald Dennis Flower
1930 - 1931
Robert Mansell Smith
1929 - 1930
Annie Justins
1928 - 1929
Annie Justins
1927 - 1928
Edgar Raymond Thompson
1926 - 1927
Edgar Raymond Thompson
1925 - 1926
Willie Porter Bullard
1924 - 1925
Willie Porter Bullard
1923 - 1924
Robert Cort Cox
1922 - 1923
Trevor Matthews
1921 - 1922
John Mansell Smith
1920 - 1921
Edward Fox
1919 - 1920
Edward Fox
1918 - 1919
Archibald Dennis Flower
1917 - 1918
Archibald Dennis Flower
1916 - 1917
Archibald Dennis Flower
1915 - 1916
Archibald Dennis Flower
1914 - 1915
Fred Winter
1913 - 1914
Fred Winter
1912 - 1913
Frederick Ballance
1911 - 1912
Frederick Ballance
1910 - 1911
Edward Deer
1909 - 1910
Edward Deer
1908 - 1909
John Alfred Priest
1907 - 1908
John Alfred Priest
1906 - 1907
John Alfred Priest
1905 - 1906
William Pearce
1904 - 1905
George Martin Bird
1903 - 1904
George Martin Bird
1902 - 1903
George Martin Bird
1901 - 1902
Archibald Dennis Flower
1900 - 1901
Archibald Dennis Flower
1899- 1900
William Pearce
1898- 1899
William Pearce
1897- 1898
William Pearce
1896 - 1897
William Hutchings
1895 - 1896
John Smallwood
1894 - 1895
John Smallwood
1893 - 1894
Reginald Latimer Greene
1892 - 1893
Reginald Latimer Greene
1891 - 1892
Reginald Latimer Greene
1890 - 1891
John Archer
1889 - 1890
John Archer
1888 - 1889
Richard Hawkes
1887 - 1888
Sir Arthur Hodgson
1886 - 1887
Sir Arthur Hodgson
1885 - 1886
Sir Arthur Hodgson
1884 - 1885
Arthur Hodgson
1883 - 1884
Arthur Hodgson
1882 - 1883
William Gardner Colbourne
1881 - 1882
William Gardner Colbourne
1880 - 1881
James Cox (jnr)
1879 - 1880
Charles Edward Flower
1878 - 1879
Charles Edward Flower
1877 - 1878
Henry Walter Newton
1876 - 1877
John James Nason
1875 - 1876
John James Nason
1874 - 1875
John James Nason
1873 - 1874
William Stephenson
1872 - 1873
William Stephenson
1871 - 1872
Robert Gibbs
1870 - 1871
Edward Gibbs
1869 - 1870
Richard Martin Bird
1868 - 1869
Henry Kingsley
1867 - 1868
Henry Kingsley
1866 - 1867
Charles Frederick Loggin
1865 - 1866
Charles Frederick Loggin
1864 - 1865
James Cox (snr)
1863 - 1864
Edward Fordham Flower
1862 - 1863
Edward Fordham Flower
1861 - 1862
Henry Lane
1860 - 1861
Frederick Kendall
1859 - 1860
Robert Walker
1858 - 1859
John Branston Freer
1857 - 1858
John Branston Freer
1856 - 1857
David Rice
1855 - 1856
David Rice
1854 - 1855
John Warden
1853 - 1854
Frederic Kendall
1852 - 1853
Frederic Kendall
1851 - 1852
Edward Fordham Flower
1850 - 1851
Edward Fordham Flower
1849 - 1850
Thomas Thomson
1848 - 1849
Thomas Deacle Gill
1847 - 1848
William Sheldon
1846 - 1847
William Sheldon
1845 - 1846
Thomas Ashwin
1844 - 1845
Thomas Thomson
1843 - 1844
John Branston Freer
1842 - 1843
Edmund Darby Ford
1841 - 1842
Edmund Darby Ford
1840 - 1841
Edward Getley
1839 - 1840
Thomas Thomson
1838 - 1839
Charles Lucy
1837 - 1838
Edward Field
1836 - 1837
Thomas Ashwin
1835 - 1834
David Rice
1834 - 1835
Benjamin Townsend
1833 - 1834
William Burman
1832 - 1833
Thomas Mills
1831 - 1832
James Pritchard
1830 - 1831
William Smith
1829 - 1830
Thomas Ashwin
1828 - 1829
William Chattaway
1827 - 1828
John Higgins
1826 - 1827
John Mills
1825 - 1826
John Connolly
1824 - 1825
John Tasker
1823 - 1824
Benjamin Townsend
1822 - 1823
James Sanders
1821 - 1822
Thomas Sanders
1820 - 1821
William George Morris
1819 - 1820
William Burman
1818 - 1819
Thomas Mills
1817 - 1818
John Andrew Holmes
1816 - 1817
Thomas Sanders
1815 - 1816
Thomas Sanders
1814 - 1815
John Hitchman
1813 - 1814
Robert Mander
1812 - 1813
John Lord
1811 - 1812
Austin Warrilow
1810 - 1811
Jonathan Izod
1809 - 1810
John Edwards
1808 - 1809
William Chattaway
1807 - 1808
John Tasker
1806 - 1807
Joseph Walker
1805 - 1806
Thomas Hemings
1804 - 1805
Charles Pestell
1803 - 1804
John Lord
1802 - 1803
John Hitchman
1801 - 1802
John Payton
1800 - 1801
William George Morris
1799 - 1800
Richard Allen
1798 - 1799
Robert Mander
1797 - 1798
Jonathan Izod
1796 - 1797
John Edwards
1795 - 1796
John Payton
1794 - 1795
Thomas Taylor
1793 - 1794
William Tompkins
1792 - 1793
Thomas Sheldon
1791 - 1792
Charles Ingram
1790 - 1791
Thomas Nott
1789 - 1790
Charles Pestell
1788 - 1789
William Eaves
1787 - 1788
John Lord
1786 - 1787
William Bache
1785 - 1786
Samuel Jarvis
1784 - 1785
Thomas Ashford
1783 - 1784
John Preston
1782 - 1783
Samuel Smith
1781 - 1782
William Allen
1780 - 1781
John Payton
1779 - 1780
Thomas Sheldon
1778 - 1779
William Manison
1777 - 1778
William Bolton
1776 - 1777
Charles Ingram
1775 - 1776
William Evetts
1774 - 1775
Richard Allen
1773 - 1774
Isaac Gardner
1772 - 1773
Richard Stevens
1771 - 1772
Thomas Nott
1770 - 1771
William Eaves
1769 - 1770
Nathaniel Cookes
1768 - 1769
John Meacham
1767 - 1768
Samuel Jarvis
1766 - 1767
William Lees
1765 - 1766
John Hitchcocks
1764 - 1765
John Halford
1763 - 1764
John Baylis
1762 - 1763
Richard Lord
1761 - 1762
William Bolton
1760 - 1761
William Evetts
1759 - 1760
William Evetts
1758 - 1759
Samuel Price
1757 - 1758
William Bayliss
1756 - 1757
Robert Bruce
1755 - 1756
Richard Allen
1754 - 1755
Richard Smith
1753 - 1754
Nathaniel Cookes
1753 - 1753
Samuel Jarvis
1752 - 1753
Harvey Preston
1751 - 1752
William Miles
1750 - 1751
Thomas Bott
1749 - 1750
Samuel Tissell
1748 - 1749
John Halford
1747 - 1748
John Smith
1746 - 1747
Richard Hitchcocks
1745 - 1746
Richard Bartlett
1744 - 1745
Hugh Burman
1743 - 1744
Robert Hicks
1742 - 1743
William Dyde
1741 - 1742
Henry Turbitt
1740 - 1741
John Taylor
1739 - 1740
Benjamin Haynes
1738 - 1739
Richard Goode
1737 - 1738
Samuel Wolford
1736 - 1737
William Davis
1735 - 1736
Thomas Huckett
1734 - 1735
Thomas Bott
1733 - 1734
John Cookes
1732 - 1733
Richard Newcomb
1731 - 1732
John Halford
1730 - 1731
Thomas Badger
1729 - 1730
William Walford
1728 - 1729
John Huckett
1727 - 1728
John Hunt
1726 - 1727
Henry Churchill
1725 - 1726
Richard Bartlett
1724 - 1725
Philip Hattan
1723 - 1724
Richard Burman
1722 - 1723
Daniel Hurdisse
1721 - 1722
John Capp
1720 - 1721
John Cookes
1719 - 1720
William Wright
1718 - 1719
Thomas Sowtham
1717 - 1718
John Halford
1716 - 1717
Joseph Smith
1715 - 1716
Thomas Badger
1715 - 1715
Joseph Woolmer
1714 - 1715
Thomas Hiccox
1713 - 1714
John Huckell
1712 - 1713
Samuel Holtam
1711 - 1712
Thomas Taylor
1710 - 1711
William Cale
1709 - 1710
Joshua Smith
1708 - 1709
John Hunt
1707 - 1708
Henry Churchill
1706 - 1707
William Wright
1705 - 1706
Thomas Sowtham
1704 - 1705
John Taylor
1703 - 1704
Edward Elderton
1702 - 1703
George Hands
1701 - 1702
Robert Fawdon
1700 - 1701
Foulke Sellers
1699 - 1700
John Burman
1698 - 1699
Matthew Collett
1697 - 1698
Joseph Woolmer
1696 - 1697
William Baker
1695 - 1696
Samuel Holtam
1694 - 1695
John Woolmer (snr)
1693 - 1694
Samuel Case
1692 - 1693
Thomas Hiccox
1691 - 1692
John Hunt
1690 - 1691
John Taylor
1689 - 1690
John Smith
1688 - 1689
Edward Elderton
1687 - 1688
Henry Tomlins
1686 - 1687
Robert Fawdon
1685 - 1686
Foulk Sellers
1684 - 1685
William Baker
1683 - 1684
William Hickes
1682 - 1683
George Sowtherne
1681 - 1682
Daniel Mason
1680 - 1681
William Hiccox
Thomas Horne
1679 - 1680
Thomas Wooten
1678 - 1679
Symon Cale
1677 - 1678
John Woolmer (jnr)
1676 - 1677
Mathew Blackford
1675 - 1676
John Woolmer (snr)
1674 - 1675
Thomas Hiccox
1673 - 1674
Richard Jacksons
1672 - 1673
Lawrence Horwood
1671 - 1672
Francis Haddocke
1670 - 1671
Thomas Horne
1669 - 1670
Benjamin Jones
1668 - 1669
William Lyndon
1667 - 1668
Thomas Taylor
1666 - 1667
Thomas Hill
1665 - 1666
Francis Oldfield
1664 - 1665
Symon Cale
1663 - 1664
John Woolmer (jnr)
1662 - 1663
John Woolmer (snr)
1661 - 1662
Richard Jacksons
Thomas Greene (snr)
1660 - 1661
Richard Mountford
1659 - 1660
William Caudwell
1658 - 1659
Michael Johnson
1657 - 1658
William Green (jnr)
1656 - 1657
Francic Smith
1655 - 1656
William Hiccox
1654 - 1655
William Greene
1653 - 1654
Richard Hunt
1652 - 1653
Nicholas Riland
1651 - 1652
Thomas Taylor
1650 - 1651
William Lyndon
1649 - 1650
William Walker
1648 - 1649
John Brookes
1647 - 1648
John Eston
1646 - 1647
John Smythe
1645 - 1646
Thomas Home
1644 - 1645
Richard Castell
1643 - 1644
Richard Smarte
1642 - 1643
Thomas Greene
1641 - 1642
John Wolmer (jnr)
1640 - 1641
Baldwin Brookes
1639 - 1640
Nathaniel Duppa
1638 - 1639
Thomas Walker
1637 - 1638
Richard Mounteford
1636 - 1637
Richard Tyler
1635 - 1636
Henry Walker
1634 - 1635
Francis Ainge
1633 - 1634
William Shawe
1632 - 1633
Richard Castell
1631 - 1632
Daniell Baker
1630 - 1631
Anthony Smithe
1629 - 1630
Thomas Greene
1628 - 1629
Henry Smyth
1627 - 1628
Julius Shaw
1626 - 1627
Richard Hathaway
1625 - 1626
Arthur Cawdrey
1624 - 1625
Henry Walker
1623 - 1624
Francis Smythe
1622 - 1623
Francis Ainge
1621 - 1622
Robert Butler
1620 - 1621
William Walford
1619 - 1620
William Wyat
1618 - 1619
John Wilmore
1617 - 1618
William Chandler
1616 - 1617
Henry Smythe
1615 - 1616
Julius Shaw
1614 - 1615
Francis Smythe (snr)
1613 - 1614
Daniell Baker
1612 - 1613
John Sadler
1611 - 1612
William Parsons
1610 - 1611
William Walford
1609 - 1610
Henry Wilson
1608 - 1609
Francis Smythe (jnr)
1607 - 1608
Henry Walker
1606 - 1607
John Cybbes
1605 - 1606
William Wyatte
1604 - 1605
John Smthye
1603 - 1604
Francis Smythe (snr)
1602 - 1603
Daniell Baker
John Cybbes
1601 - 1602
Richard Quyney
1600 - 1601
Henry Wilson
1599 - 1600
John Sadler
1598 - 1599
John Smythe
1597 - 1598
John Cybbes
1596 - 1597
Abraham Sturley
1595 - 1596
Thomas Rogers
1594 - 1595
Thomas Barber
1593 - 1594
Henry Wilson
1592 - 1593
Richard Quyney
1591 - 1592
John Cybbes
1590 - 1591
William Parsons
1589 - 1590
Thomas Rogers
1588 - 1589
William Wilson
1587 - 1588
Robert Salisburye
1586 - 1587
Thomas Barber
1585 - 1586
William Tyler
1584 - 1585
Richard Hill
1583 - 1584
George Whateley
1582 - 1583
Adrian Quiney
1581 - 1582
Ralph Cawdrey
1580 - 1581
Robert Salisburye
1579 - 1580
Nicholas Barnehurst
1578 - 1579
Thomas Barber
1577 - 1578
William Tyler
1576 - 1577
John Wheeler
1575 - 1576
Richard Hill
1574 - 1575
Humphrey Plumley
1573 - 1574
Lewis A P Williams
1572 - 1573
Roger Sadler
1571 - 1572
Adrian Quiney
1570 - 1571
John Sadler
1569 - 1570
Robert Salisburye
1568 - 1569
John Shakespeare
1567 - 1568
Ralph Cawdrey
1566 - 1567
William Tyler
1565 - 1566
John Whelar
1564 - 1565
Richard Hill
1563 - 1564
George Whateley
1562 - 1563
Humphrey Plumley
1561 - 1562
Lewis A P Williams
1560 - 1561
Roger Sadler
1559 - 1560
Adrian Quiney
1558 - 1559
Robert Perrot
1557 - 1558
Francis Burbage
1556 - 1557
Ralph Cawdrey
1555 - 1556
John Burbage
1554 - 1555
William Whateley
1553 - 1554
Thomas Gilbert