A list of responsibilities of the Town Council
Please find below a list of all of the responsibilities of the Town Council.
- American Fountain Clock
- Avon Mooring
- Cemeteries
- Churchyards
- Dog Hygiene/Litter Bins (*supply only)
- Garden of Remembrance
- Initiatives & Events
- Planning (Consultee only)
- Shelters
- Supporting Crime Prevention (CCTV)
- Town Hall
- War Memorials
Clocks Provision
Provision and maintenance of:The American Fountain Clock
Rother Street
Avon Mooring
Once for community use, this is now a private mooring.
Avon Mooring
Tiddington Road
Provision and maintenance of Burial Grounds:
Stratford-upon-Avon Cemetery
Evesham Road
Duty to maintain any closed churchyard where the duty has been transferred by the Church of England:
Holy Trinity Church
Old Town
Dog Hygiene/Litter Bins (*supply only)
Provision of dog hygiene and litter bins in streets and open spaces.
Garden of Remembrance
Duty to maintain the:
Garden of Remembrance
Old Town
Initiatives & Events
To financially support whenever possible, specific initiatives or events that will benefit the town
Planning (Consultee only)
Town/Parish Councils have the right to be notified of any planning application affecting their area and to make comments which the planning authority must take into account
Provision and maintenance of shelters for general public use and also particularly for bus passengers.
Supporting Crime Prevention (CCTV)
Town Hall
War Memorials
Duty to maintain War Memorials within the town
- Councillors
- Richard Vos
- Sam McNaught Barrow
- Roger Harding
- Victoria Alcock
- Lindsay MacDonald
- Ian Fradgley
- Jason Fojtik
- Zoe Rashwan
- Jenny Fradgley
- Iain Duck
- Gill Cleeve
- Toby Lee
- Louisa Smith
- Steve Albon
- Kate Rolfe
- Dani Hunter
- Elizabeth Coles
- Letty Petrovic
- History
- Finance
- Policies and Documents
- Officers
- Responsibilities
- Council and Committee
- Agendas, Minutes & Reports
- Sub Groups
- Town Centre Strategic Partnership