Census 2021

Census 2021
The ten year census is due soon. Soon all residents will be invited to participate in the national household and population census. It has been held every decade since 1801, except for 1941.Census information can help decide how services will be planned and funded in your area. This could mean things like offices, doctors, apartments or new bus routes. Households will receive a letter with a unique access code by mail, which will allow them to complete the online questionnaire. Paper questionnaires will also be available upon request. The day of the census is March 21. More information can be found on the website: census.gov.uk
Już niebawem nadejdzie dziesięcioletni spis ludności.Wkrótce wszyscy mieszkańcy zostaną zaproszeni do wzięcia udziału w narodowym spisie gospodarstw domowych oraz ludnościOdbywa się on co dekadę od 1801 r z wyjątkiem 1941 r. Informacje z spisu ludności pomogą zdecydować, jak będą planowane i finansowane usługi w Twojej okolicy. Może to oznaczać takie rzeczy, jak gabinety, lekarskie, mieszkania lub nowe trasy autobusowe.Gospodarstwa domowe otrzymają pocztą list z unikalnym kodem dostępu,który im pozwoli na wypełnienie kwestionariusza online.Kwestionariusze papierowe będą również dostępne na żądanie. Dzień spisu to 21 marca. Więcej informacji można znaleźć na stronie: census.gov.uk#
Your Questions Answered - English
Your Questions Answered - Polish
Digital Accessibility Leaflet - English
Guidance notes for Homecarers in Warwickshire
Did you know that the next census takes place on 21 March?
The census occurs every 10 years. It is compulsory for every household to complete the census, but there is lots of support available. The 2021 census is the first to be completed primarily online although some people will receive a paper form. Everyone can request a paper form if preferred.
Have you received a postcard about the census on the 21 March?
This card will arrive week during commencing 22 February and gives advanced notice about the census.
Did your postcard give you an access code to complete the census online?
This card will arrive during the week commencing 8 March and gives a code that enables people to complete the census online. It is possible to ring the helpline to request a paper form at this stage.
Did you know that you can complete the census online on a computer, tablet or smartphone?
If you are completing the census online you will receive a guide that includes contact numbers for help. It is quicker to complete the census online as you are not asked to read through questions that are not relevant to you.
Would you prefer to complete the census on a paper form?
When you start to receive the postcards you can request a paper form from the Contact Centre telephone number. You may also live in an area that will receive a paper form due to a poor internet signal.
Are you completing a paper census form?
There is a booklet to explain how to complete the census form and information about how you can receive help.
Did you know that there is a telephone helpline to answer questions about the census?
A telephone number will be available from 1 March
Would you like to complete the census by telephone
You can complete the census by telephone by contacting the contact centre
Did you know that you can book an appointment at a Census Support Centre to get some help?
You will be able to complete your online census in 2 Census Support Centres in Warwickshire in: Henley in Arden (On the Grounds of Henley in Arden School, Stratford Road, Henley in Arden, B95 6AF) and at the Brunswick Hub (Brunswick Hub (BHLC)
98-100 Shrubland Street, Leamington Spa, CV31 3BD). You will have to make an appointment to go there.
If you need some help do you think a member of your family or a friend could help?
In trials in 2019 children were able to help their grandparents complete the census online using their smartphones. If you provide your access code to a member of your family or a close friend they could complete the census online for you.
Were you unable to complete the census on 21 March?
Don’t worry, the census team will contact you to provide a few extra days for completion.
If your client has sight loss.
Large print instructions are available on the Census 2021 website. The telephone helpline will provide telephone capture of answers. The Census Support Centres will help you complete the census.
If your client has impaired hearing.
There are sign language videos and easy read booklets available on the Census 2021 website call centres will have a text relay service. The Census 2021 website will provide a Webchat facility.
Due to Government advice regarding Covid 19 it may be necessary to update this information before 21st March
For further information go to Census 2021
Or contact: Sally Bannister, Census Engagement Manager for South Warwickshire sally.bannister68@field.census.gov.uk