Electric Blanket Testing - 18 - 22 November, 2019

Electric Blanket Testing - 18 - 22 November, 2019

As the nights draw in and temperatures drop, more and more residents are turning to their home comforts to ward off the chill.  Councillor Cohl Warren-Howles has been working closely with John Wilson, Commander of Fire & Rescue Service in order to arrange electric blanket testing, to examine whether they are safe for use.  Cllr Warren-Howles has thanked  Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Service  who have been exemplary in making the testing possible.

Testing will be available at the fire stations below on the following dates:

Monday 18 November 2019 - Stratford Fire Station
Tuesday  19 November 2019 - Alcester Fire Station
Wednesday  20 November 2019 - Leamington Spa Fire Station
Thursday  21 November 2019 - Rugby Fire Station
Friday  22 November 2019 - Nuneaton Fire Station

(Testing will be available between 09:30 hrs and finish at 16:30 hrs for the over 50's)

The contact details to book an appointment are: Tel: 02476314376 Email: cfs@warwickshire.gov.uk